Official No-No List
Avoid ALL hard, sticky, or chewy foods such as:
- Ice – A thousand times NO! It will totally destroy braces
- Pizza Crust – The hard crust will bend wires
- Hard Pretzels – Bends wires, loosens bands, and knocks off brackets
- Doritos, Tacos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Fritos, etc. – Will form a hard ball and break your braces
- Caramel candy, bubble gum – Sticky goo which pulls off wires and feeds the bacteria in your mouth
- Hard Rolls, Bagels – Bends wires and knocks off brackets
- Beef Jerky, Slim Jims – Tough as nails
- Suckers, hard candy – Loosens bands and knocks off brackets.
- Nuts – No nuts of any kind
- Ribs – Knocks off brackets
- Pens and Pencils – Favorite exam-time snack. Breaks everything.
- Popcorn – The little shells get between the gum and band and will hurt like crazy
- Raw Carrots – Hard as rocks
All of this information may also be printed and downloaded in PDF form here!